

The Last Push At NaNoWriMo

I am sorry that my posts this November have been few and far between.  Fact is, between NaNoWriMo and life, there is not very much time for blogging.

So this is it, the last week of 2014's NaNoWriMo.  The long awaited month is coming to a close.  But there is still so much writing to do!  The excitement of meeting your goal and fear of not meeting it is overwhelming.  Believe me, I understand completely.  I actually lowered my word count goal to 23,000 words because I knew that 40,000 was not feasible for how hectic my life is right not.  Here is a look at how I have written so far this November:
Yes, there are a lot of times when I should have been writing, but didn't.  But that's okay.  I will still meet my goal.

Something to help you on your last push is something that I found called Write Deck.  This sight is AWESOME!  You sign up and do word wars, which are not by time but by number of words.  You can even do them with yourself!  I have found that I have been more motivated with that to help me! 

Good luck with those word count goals!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Alea Harper