

From the Fandom Friday: Dear Favorite Characters

Dear Favorite Characters,

Thank you for allowing us to peak into what is probably the most eventful time in your life (unless you are in a number of books)!  We love getting to know you!  You probably don't know us, but we are the Readers of your Book, also known as The Fandom.

We would like to apologize for your tragic past!  Here is a hug from us!  :)  Honestly, your past only made us love you more.  If you ever need to talk, The Fandom is here.

Oh, favorite character, you have encouraged us beyond belief.  The lesson you learned on your journey also impacted us.  Thank you for teaching us!

Above all, thank you for being uniquly you!  No other character should be like you!

The Fandom (a.k.a. Alea Harper representing all Fandoms everywhere)

Who is your favorite character?  Let me know in the comments!  (Feel free to fangirl if you want.  I will be right in there with you.)


  1. I just could not choose a favourite..... but if I had t it would be one I made up..... Irene from my story called Relinquished.... that is not yet finished.

    1. It is a hard decision to choose just one favorite. :)

  2. Oh! All the books in that photo! I've read two and I really want read all the rest!
    I don't think I could choose a favourite character. I like loads. Just now one of my favourites would be Bard Eanrin fromTales of Goldstone Wood. :D

  3. <3

    The characters love the fandom, too! :) *hugs* I love Hadassah from the Mark of the Lion Series, Achan from the Blood of Kings Trilogy, and Merlin from the TV show MERLIN. :P

    1. The first book in the Blood of Kings trilogy is on my Kindle, but I still have to read it. :) I'm getting there though. I haven't heard of the Mark of the Lion series. *goes to look it up*. I haven't watched Merlin either. LOL I'm sure they are all fantastic characters!

  4. YES. This is perfect! <3

    Oh goodness, I don't even know who my favorite character is; THERE ARE SO MANY THAT I LOVE. I'm just going to list whoever comes to mind in no particular order. Here goes: Kishan from The Tiger Saga, Zane from The Safe Lands, Padme and Anakin (pre-Vader) from Star Wars, Nico, Annabeth, and Hazel from Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus, Ellie and Chase from The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff from Age of Ultron, EVERYONE IN MERLIN... Honestly, I could go on forever as there are about half a million more whom I adore, but I will stop before this comment itself becomes a novel, lol. Anyways, yes, charries are wonderful <3


    1. Piero and Wanda! I love them too! I could go on forever as well. :) Too many favorites.

  5. Replies
    1. Aww I love Frodo too! I need to read LOTR again... :)

  6. Katniss and Finnick from The Hunger Games and Kaden from The Kings Scrolls

    1. I love Kaden! The Ilyon Chronicles is one of my all time favorites! I haven't read The Hunger Games, though. I'm sure Katniss and Finnick are great characters though!


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