

Book Review: Paralyzed Dreams by C.B. Cook

I recieved a very happy little email the other day that I had won a copy of this in a Goodreads giveaway.  Honestly, I don't even remember ever entering a giveaway, but evidently I did.  :D Free books are awesome.

About the Book

She lost everything she’d ever dreamed of.

Fourteen-year-old Pam Wilson’s life is going perfectly. She and her best friend, Lauren, are becoming an amazing volleyball duo, and her dreams of playing in the Olympics are coming along wonderfully. Then a car accident paralyzes Pam from the waist down, and her dreams for her life are shattered. No more volleyball, no more walking, no more future. The only thing she has left is her faith in God… if she would only turn there.

My Review
Paralyzed Dreams is a story about a girl who becomes paralyzed in a car accident and the struggles she deals with after the fact.  I think this is a fantastic concept, especially to be a Christian book.  Overall it was a great read!

The Characters
Pam is such a real character.  The way she handles her paralysis is so...real.  She isn't okay with it like, "I am so happy I am paralyzed because that's what God wants for me!"  She was mad at God.  She was scared at what others would think.  She was upset that her dreams were paralyzed with her legs.  I really like her as a character.  :D

The Setting
The setting isn't really a big part of this story, but it works out well that way.  The one thing I am a bit confused about is how Pam gets up to her room with apparently is upstairs...

The Plot
The plot of this story is a fairly simple one, but beautifully written with fleshed out characters that is seems complex.  I do with the book was longer, but maybe that's because I really enjoyed it.  :)

In Closing...
This is a must read for teens, and people of all ages.  It is a clean, quick read that will teach you lessons about life.

Thank you again, C.B., for sending me a copy of your book!

About the Author
C.B. Cook is just a 17-year-old girl trying to find out where her King is guiding her, while writing the stories of the people she creates, the worlds she wants to live in, and the adventures she dreams about. Also known as a mythical creature called an “author”.  You can find her on her blog,


Have you ever read this book?  What did you think?


  1. I've seen this book floating around; it seems very interesting and you're one of the many from whom I've heard good things about it!

    By the way, I tagged you for a thing:

    1. You should read it! It's not very long...I think iBooks said it was about 50 pages.

      Thank you so much! I saw that. :) Thanks, Captain Heathersword!

  2. I shall have to keep my eye out for this book, sounds interesting.

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