

Get to Know the Readers

Greetings, my dear readers!

Sometimes it's hard to know who is on the other side of the Internet reading what I have to say.  So this is your chance to introduce yourself!  Who are you?  What do you like to do?  What are your fandoms?  Tell me about yourself in the comments!  If you have questions for me, I will do my best to answer them (unless they are creepy stalkerish questions like 'how old are you' or 'where do you live).

Comment away readers of mine!


  1. I like to write either futuristic books or fantasy. My favorite fandom is the Ilyon series. I like Italian Cream Sodas!

    1. I love the Ilyon Chronicles as well! It's such a fantastic series! Mmm...Italian Cream Soda sounds good, though I've never tried it. :)

  2. I like to write fantasy stories, and I'm not sure what my favorite fandom is :D. Just a random fact, I love the Hobbit movies :D.
    And also, my name isn't Anna, it's Savannah, I'm just using her account :). ~Savannah P.

    1. Fantasy is quite awesome, isn't it? :) You love The Hobbit too? I'm a total LOTR geek!

  3. Oh.... how old are you where do you live?.... sorry... I like humour a lot.... and can't help it :D I am passionate about photography and like writing and reading a lot. Tolkien is my favourite writer, I like fantasy, si-fi, speculative fiction, historical fiction... anything really but fantasy/adventure is what I read most often. and too many fandoms.. I have written a contemporary and am writing a fantasy... you could almost call it high fantasy, but this is going to be a long did take Tolkien 10 years though.

    1. LOL :) Those are all of my favorite genres! Good luck writing your fantasy book! I hope it gets published one day so I can read it. :)

  4. Me? Oh I'm just a weapons crazy, bookworm, fangirl, writer, imagininger (plus inventor of random words like that), and hilariously funny/crazy/idiotic person... :D I am in the editing stages of my first novel (technically it's a novella - it's got 40,000 words) and I have thousands of ideas for other stories (doesn't everyone!?). Also, this comment would be wwwaaayyy too long if I listed all my favourite books...
    So, yeah, that's a little about me! :D

    1. I like your new word, Jane. :D Ahh...the joys of editing. Are you enjoying it? What genre is your novel?

    2. yeah I am enjoying editing, sometimes I just go "What? Did I really write that?!" But it's getting so much better. I guess the genre might be kinda Adventure/Fiction, it has world traveling in it and magic, but no fantasy creatures... I'm not terribly good at genres! :D

    3. I am so glad you like editing! Writers spend so much time on it that you really should enjoy it. Me...I don't particularly enjoy it. Your book sounds great!

  5. Well... I'm a teenage author and homeschooler. I love ALL THE FANDOMS and my favorite changes on an almost weekly basis. Right now... I don't know. I'm kinda into Avatar. And some parts of Twilight, though I don't know if I'd say I'm /in/ that fandom since I don't like all of it. I'm more of a... frequent tourist, maybe?
    Oh, and I basically write all the genres too. I'm a strangely versatile creature, lol
    Do you have an all-time favorite fandom?


    1. I have like 3 all time favorites. Ilyon, A Time to Die by Nadine Brandes (and now A Time to Speak!), and Tales of Goldstone Wood. I just can't decide between them.

    2. I haven't read any of those yet, but they're definitely on my list! :D


I would love to hear your thoughts! Please keep everything clean and always be respectful of others. :) If your comment has inappropriate content, it will be deleted.