

In Which I Rant About My Summer Plans and Goals

Whoever says that summer is a time to be lazy and do nothing is a liar.  I am even busier than when school is in session.  There are mission trips and vacations and beta reading and all that writing.

All in favor of vacation from summer vacation raise your hand.

This post is inspired by the AMAZING Katie Grace over at A Writer's Faith.  Please make sure and check out her Summer Bucket List here. So, here are all the things I need/want/ to do (or are doing) this summer.

1. Finish draft 3 of The Clockshifter, do some line edits and send it to my brave fast readers.

I really need to work on writing faster.

2. Make business cards for Realm Makers.

So all my new friends can email me!

3. Create a Twitter account.

I'm kinda on the late boat with this one.

4. Get together my costume for Realm Makers.

Thrift stores, here I come!


Because reading is what helps me write.  And I love reading.



7. Beta Read all the novels I agreed to beta read.

Beta reading is epic.

8. Local Mission Trip...starting tomorrow!

Basically, this is nearly a week of getting closer to Jesus, endless fun, hard work, good food, and no sleep.

9. Houseboating Trip.

I've never done this before, but it sounds super fun!  (Plus I get to write while on a ship without wifi distractions?!)


What are some of your summer plans?  Are you embarking on any adventures (vacations)?  Are you attending any writer's conferences?  Have any writing or reading goals?


  1. *raises hand* I just want to go back to school, honestly. But for different reasons! I want to go back to being busy again, haha. But you look like you have a lot on your plate! I hope your mission trip goes well!

    Ally @ The Scribbling Sprite

  2. ANOTHER SUMMER BUCKET LIST! *huzzah* I love these things. :)

    Sounds like you have an exciting summer coming up. Mine will consist of sitting in the car on the move, exploring national parks, sitting in the car, visiting people along the way, sitting in the car, and brainstorming in said car. Lots of car time this summer. And I'm conflicted about whether to put a ^_^ or a :/

  3. I really want to make a Summer Goals list!
    I'm leaving for a week-long summer camp soon. I'm really excited about that. :)


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