

5 Reasons You Should Read the Out of Time Trilogy Right Now

1. They are super cool dystopian books without all of the tropes.

How many of you ended a dystopian series feeling depressed?  I know that The Hunger Games movies (no, I haven't read the books yet) sure left me depressed.  The Out of Time Trilogy is different.  It's about finding Shalom (peace) even in the hardest circumstance.  Even though A Time to Die has a morbid-sounding name, it's really a story of hope!

They are also dystopian books that don't revolve around the heroine and her dark and brooding boyfriend.  Romance has a part in these books, but a. he isn't dark and brooding, b. they don't fall in love instantly, and c. it isn't the main focus of the story.

Also, a society obsessed with when they are going to die is definitely unique.

2. Solomon Hawke. (A.K.A. Perfect human being.)

All of the characters are amazing, but Solomon Hawke is one of the best, just so you know.

Parvin is also great!  She's basically me.  Nadine does such a good job in writing it that you start to think like the character.  You view the storyworld through her eyes, instead of having your own filter there too.

3. You won't be able to put the books down.

During school two years ago, we watched Mockingjay pt. 1.  (I know, I used to go to a very unproductive school.) And I read A Time to Die while the other people watched it.  The music actually set a perfect tone to the book.  (Also, I had not seen Catching Fire yet because the first movie freaked me out.)  Message to those who have read this book in white: I was reading the part where Parvin gets her job in Ivanhoe.

Another school story: I read most of A Time to Speak in one day at school.  I hope I didn't freak the teacher out with my feels and Intense Reading Face.  (It's a thing, ninjas-to-be.)

4. Nadine's Ninjas are awesome people (and secretly actual ninjas, but shhhh.  Don't tell anyone.)

Nadine has a really cool street team.  She likes to call us her ninjas.  Basically, our job is to shove her books in the faces of ninjas-to-be.  We also encourage each other and complete fun missions like writing reviews on Amazon and Goodreads.  And Nadine is the sweetest person you will ever meet.

5. The books are very well-written.

Her books have greatly influenced mine.  It was actually A Time to Die that gave me the idea to write The Clockshifter in present tense.

If you aren't convinced, you can read a bit of the first book on Amazon.

Bonus Reason: The covers are beautiful and will look great on Bookstagram.

Look at these amazing covers!


Have you ever read the Out of Time Trilogy?  If now, will you read it now?  I would love to hear your thoughts!


  1. AHHH YES YES YES FOR THE OUT OF TIMEEEEE. LOVE THEM SO MUCH. I can't wait for A Time To Rise!!! The cover is just SO pretty *dreamy eyes at cover all day long*

    EVERYONE MUST READ THEM. (Plus TOTALLY for number 2. Solomon is just so ahmazing. <3)

    1. *high five* YES, MY FELLOW NINJA! I know...A Time to Rise isn't coming out soon enough! The covers are the best, as are every single one of Kirk DouPonce's covers.


    2. I love how every inch of the A Time to Rise cover screams of Hope!

    3. Me too, Alice! (Though I'm sure we have not seen the end of the feels.)

  2. Yes yes yes. I adore this series and the fact that it's a non depressive Dystopian. I actually ended up writing a post about Christian Dystopian, which the Out of Time series is.
    I just requested to join Nadine's street team a few days ago, too. :D
    There's only a month a and half left till a Time to Rise >.<

    1. I know, right?! (Though I have to constantly tell people that it's a story about hope, not a morbid one about death and destruction.)

      *awesome ninja handshake* Welcome to the team, Ninja Jeneca!

      I. CAN'T. WAIT.

  3. BEST. DYSTOPIAN. EVER. Oh my goodness... I just love this series so much. o.o Can't wait for A Time to Rise! :D

    And I should probably reread the first two books before it comes out; hopefully I'll have time for that! (spoiler alert: I won't. xP)

    1. AGREED.

      I should too...but I have a time issue too. (And the fact that I have 235485453423 books on my TBR doesn't help either.) LOL.

    You know, I really liked the Hunger Games books SOOOOOO much more than the movies. But the third book was really depressing and I felt like, she tried to wrap up the ending with some kind of 'life goes on, happily ever after with Peta" some such but it did not work. It was like a really bad movie montage that failed miserably. I think writing the ending to any book is extremely hard, and writing the end to any dystopian is even harder. But for a better example of a well-done conclusion, I would reached the Matched Series. It's well done. Not nearly so violent and depressing. But people these days seem to like violent and depressing so 'shrugs'.

    1. *high five* TEAM SOLOMON!
      Yeah, that's what I have heard. I plan to read them eventually. *stares longingly at TBR pile*

  5. I've only read A Time to Die, but I loved it. (Plus I recently received A Time to Speak in the mail, so I plan on starting that ASAP ;) ). And reason #2 is sooooo true. Solomon Hawke is awesome. Who doesn't love him?

    1. If you need someone to be there with you through the feels, I am here. You are going to LOVE A Time to Speak!!!

  6. (This is quite late, but...) A TIME TO SPEAK WAS AMAZING. And there were so many feels!!! And Parvin and Hawke were amazing! And- And the ending! *continues to ramble on* I LOVED it.
    Also, I would like to ask you, do you mind if I put a link in my review for A Time to Die for this blog post of yours? And may I do the same with your newer post for my review for A Time to Speak? If not, I understand. And I sooo can't wait for A Time to Rise. I'm currently debating with myself on whether or not I should read this book I've been wanting to for a while, reread a series I've already read but is calling my name again, or if I should wait for A Time to Rise. XD I just don't like interrupting a series if I already have all the books for it.
    Anyway, hope you have a great day! ^-^

    1. I don't mind at all. :) Go ahead and link to as many posts as you like!

  7. (Sorry this is late. Man, I've been busy lately. XD)

    All right, thanks! :D

  8. Replies
    1. Please do! It's incredible and life-changing! Everyone should read Nadine's profound books!

    2. I started it on Monday! AND OH MY STARS, ALEA. THIS IS SO AMAZING. O.0


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