

It's Okay to Not Constantly Write

Brain: Writers write...right?

Me: Umm duh, we're called writers for a reason.

Brain: But real writers write all the time, right?

Me: .................

Brain: All day, every day, the real writers tap away at their computers and finish perfect novels super fast.

                                                                                    Me: I must not be a real writer.

I find myself struggling with this a lot because I don't write all the time.  I have responsibilities like school, drama practice, homework, chores, as well as other interests like reading and graphic design. I still a writer?


Being a writer is not about who can write 50,000 words in one month, or write every single day without fail.  Being a writer is about writing, and it looks different for everyone.  Some people write consistently.  Others write a lot in short bursts.  Some write a little bit here and a little bit there.

Personally, I struggle with writing.  Though I love writing, a lot of times I just don't feel like writing.  Sometimes my depression flares up and I don't feel like doing anything at all.

You are a writer if you write.  It doesn't depend on a daily word quota or that you don't always write.

Do you ever have this sort of "identity crisis"?  Chat with me in the comments!  I would love to hear your thoughts.


  1. Same! For a long while I hadn't finished any stories, but I had a lot of ideas. It's just really hard for me to rewrite my work, and sometimes i just want to trash it. (I never do) But I still love to write.
    Nice post.

    1. I have been working on the same book for two years. I know exactly how you feel.

  2. I agree wholeheartedly. I havent written in so long and like, am I even a writer anymore? yes. yes I am. writing is in my soul. its something I was made to do even if I dont do it every second of every day. I am a writer. and so are you

    1. I love what you said, "writing is in my soul." It's almost more of a mindset than anything else. Your comment is beautiful, Faith.

  3. This is one of the greatest posts I've ever read oh my. Sometimes writing just happens in the brain. A lot of things go on which make writing near impossible for me, and I always feel ashamed when I haven't written in weeks, or a month. Lovely post <3


    1. Awww thank you, Noor! This post is very near to my heart since it's something that I struggle with. I'm so happy I'm not alone!

  4. Haha, I feel like I have just been having this exact conversation with just about everyone!!!

    1. I really think it's something that should be addressed as I think many writers deal with it.

  5. Amen!! I write a lot of different things. Some days, I write news stories, some days I work on whatever novel I'm writing... and some days, it's just a quick journal entry. I'm still a writer.

    1. I have trouble focusing on one particular project as well. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I concur! Thank you for this post; it's nice to know I'm not alone in actually writing very little. :)

  7. Hello, it's my first time visiting your blog and I came upon this post. It is something that I have definitely struggled with. I know that with school and just life in general that I can't write as much as I want to or even feel I should but as love as I somehow find peace with the amount I do write I think it's okay.

    1. Hi, Anna! I'm so glad you stopped by! You certainly are not alone. :)


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