

Why I Love Having a Sister - Creative Edition

Until fairly recently, I wished I was an only child.  My sister and I never got along and didn't really like the same things.  Now, I can honestly say I love having a sister.  So, shout out to Mickayla Jansen, my amazing not-so-little sister!  (We both use pen names.)  Make sure and check her blog out because it's awesome.  (Not that I'm biased or anything...)

1. I can loan books to her without fear of them getting damaged or lost.

Damaged or lost books is probably ever bookish person's fear.  With a sister, I can keep my books in sight.  Besides, I trust her.  ;)

2. I always have someone to fangirl with.

Who even talks about real life crushes anymore?  Our girl talks consist of books and movies.  It's awesome.

3. If I ever need to talk out a problem with my WIP, I can brainstorm with her.

Something that's awesome about Mickayla is that she has great ideas and she's always completely honest.  If she doesn't like something, she will speak her mind.  It's super helpful.

4. We're filmmaking partners in crime.

Yup.  We make movies together.  I don't think I've filmed anything without her.

5. We word war together.

We haven't done this in a while, but it's awesome when we do.  (And we're both super competitive so...)

6. She's just an awesome person!

I'm totally going to brag on her here.  She's funny, athletic, artistic, and bookish!  And she's a radiant light for the Lord.  And did I mention that her blog is awesome?  Make sure and check it out here.

Do you have any brothers or sisters?  I would love to hear your thoughts!


  1. Your sister sounds awesome! I have two brothers who are both younger than me (9 year gap) but they're pretty cool... I don't know what I'd do without them, frankly. They're a big reason why I became homeschooled and that's put my life on an entirely different track. God definitely used that. :)
    *goes to check out your sister's blog*
    Jeneca @ Jeniqua Writes

    1. She IS awesome. :D God definitely places us in our families for a reason.

  2. I have enjoyed getting to know both you and Mickayla. =) You are both awesome, God-honoring girls! I LOVED this post, especially because I see so many sisters who struggle with loving each other. How refreshing to hear someone saying why they enjoy having a sister! ♥

    1. Awww. Hosanna I've enjoyed getting to know you too. :)

      It definitely isn't always easy, but I can honestly say I love having a sister.

  3. my sister is my favorite person to brainstorm with. because she knows me SO well, she can help a lot with the process.
    this is such a cute post by the way :)

    1. That definitely helps!

      Thank you so much, Faith!

  4. Aww, this is great. <3 My sister is starting to get on the writing kick too. :)

  5. This was such a great post, Alea! My younger sister (Ariel) proof-reads my writing and helps me edit sometimes - it's lots of fun :D.

    ~ Savannah

  6. *cries* Alea, thank you so much for this post... it made my day! :) I love you <3

    - Your filmmaking partner in crime

    1. :D Love you too, sis.

      -Your filmmaking partner in crime

  7. Aww yes!!

    I have two brothers and two sisters, but my younger sister was always my writing minion. We went chasing after boxcar trains together, wading through cattail marshes together, and she even helped me pitch my book to the publisher who picked up A Time to Die!

    I love that you and Mickayla are united in awesomeness. ;)

    1. Your sister sounds awesome too! Mickayla helped me pitch my book by putting up with my preparation months in advance and my freaking out. LOL.

      You are the sweetest, Nadine! (And completely awesome.)

  8. When read the Title I felt sad fro a moment, because i haven't got a sister and used to really want one. But you didn't list anything unique to sisters. Sure, my brothers might not fangirl, but they can get excited and usually put up with me rambling on about things I like.
    I certainly share books with my brothers, and write with one of them. Siblings are awesome.

    On me not having a sister ,I used to (still do a little actually) get really annoyed with girls that don't appreciate their sisters.

    1. Yes, siblings are awesome.

      I used to be one of those people, but I'm not anymore. Maybe it's because we don't fight as much as we used to.

  9. *whispers* you hath been tagged :).

    ~ Savannah


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