

8 Things You Might Not Know about Lima, Peru

A week ago today, I got back home from a 10-day mission trip to Lima, Peru.  Next to Realm Makers, it was the most amazing trip of my life.  We served in communities and put on an evangelistic drama, as well as a lot of other incredible things.  (I plan to do a recap post sometime in the near future.)  For now, here are some crazy things you might not know about Lima.  The culture shock is real, friends.

1. The traffic is insane.  

Picture a very large city with a ton of traffic.  Now picture that same city where the traffic laws don't have to be followed. Car horns = hi, I'm here; big car/bus = I'm first

This is an intersection.  Yeah.  Crazy, right?  (Photo Cred: Mom)

2. You can tell kids in public school about Christ.  

Wouldn't that be nice to adopt in America?  One time, we invited a whole kindergarten to watch our drama.  We had to do spur-of-the-moment public speaking and it was actually pretty embarrassing.  (How can you even embarrass yourself in front of 5-year-olds?)

Here our team is praying with school children...
on school premises!  It was amazing!
(Photo Cred: Mom)

3. You can't flush toilet paper.  

There's a little trash can to the side of every toilet to put used toilet paper in.  Isn't that gross?

4. There are pickpockets everywhere.  

Story idea for a gang of Peruvian orphans trying to find their way in the world?  (First thing that came to my mind.) When in very crowded areas, you have to wear backpacks on your front and hold it close to you.  It's kind of awkward to walk like that.

5. The people are super nice and open to the Gospel.

Unlike in America, people like tracts.  They will listen to you tell the story of how Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose again to save us from eternity without Him!  When in doubt, tell someone your testimony.

6. The roads are SUPER bumpy.

Especially when you're trying to do face paint in the back of a bus.

There are also these really cute taxis.  They're actually enclosed
3-wheeled motorcycles.  (Photo Cred: Mom)

7. The soccer fields are usually concrete and very dusty.

Since Lima is in a sort of desert, there isn't much grass and water has to be brought in on trucks.  Thus, concrete soccer fields.

Here's a very dusty soccer field.
(Photo Cred: Can you guess?  Mom)

Another picture of the soccer field, featuring an adorable
little girl (sadly, I forget her name), and myself.
(Photo Cred: Mom)

8. They think Americans are the coolest (mostly the kids).  Especially people with light hair and/or light eyes.

Here's my sister with a very adorable little girl after we performed
our evangelistic drama.  (Photo Cred: Mom)

Have you ever been to Peru?  What did you think of it?  Have you ever set a story/part of a story there?


  1. That's awesome! I've never been to Peru (the only time I've left the country is when I went to London a couple of years ago), but it was still kind of epic. That's so cool that they like to hear the gospel over there. Man, I wish people in America wanted to hear the good news :P

    1. Ooh, London! Was it fun? Did you see anything awesome? That would be amazing!

  2. So glad that your mission trip went so well, Alea! Peru sounds like such an awesome place to do mission work - and it would also be a cool place to set a story in ;). Thanks for sharing this with us, it was really neat!

    ~ Savannah | Scattered Scribblings

    1. Thank you, Savannah! Oh, it is. :D Next year we're heading to Guatemala!

  3. Such a cool post and I'm happy you had the opportunity :D

    On another note, I tagged you for this - it's a Sunshine Blogger tag. Only if you want to do it :) Took a while for me to get around to informing you (sorry).


  4. Love love love this post <3 This reminds me a lot of the time when I went to North Africa for a mission trip, lots of traffic, pick pocketing, and all around culture shock, but seeing God work in so many ways completely blew my mind. I'm so happy you were able to have such an amazing experience.

  5. I love this, Alea. for years it's been my dream to visit Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia, but so far I haven't yet. Your post just makes me want to go more. I'm so glad to hear that you're mission trip went well. I'd love to hear more about it.


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