

End of the Year Goals

This was supposed to post last Monday, but I forgot to schedule it.  #oops.

This year has been crazy for me (clearly, since I forgot to publish this post).

I mean CRAZY.

But I do have goals I want to accomplish before the end of the year (well, maybe more like the end of Christmas break).

I'm pretty sure I stole this post idea from someone, but I'm not sure who.  Probably a conglomeration of bloggers.

1. Finish rewriting The Clockshifter.  (yes, again.)

2. Memorize all of my lines for Little Women.

In January I'm in a play!  And I'm one of the main roles, so please pray for me.

3. Exercise regularly.

4. Read two more books. (Harder than you'd think.)

5. Survive school (and get good grades).

6. Finish my online class.

7. Write my research paper (and get a good grade on it).

8. (This is last because I want it to be a goal for all time) Get closer to God.

Sorry for the "thrown together post".  I'm kind of dry on good post ideas.  I'm also trying to define what this blog really is.  If you have any ideas for me, please comment!


  1. I've been trying to read more as well. I like to think I'm doing pretty good on that goal. But I have an ultra race coming up in December and another in I really need to be out getting some exercise and lots of running in. Hope you can meet your goals!

    (And who are you playing in Little Women?)

    1. Those are awesome goals! Good luck in your race!

      I'm playing Marmee!

  2. Great goals! And I LOVE Little Women! How exciting :] May I ask which character you are? (Jo is my fave, but I love all of her sisters too.)

    1. Honestly, I could never get through the book and I didn't like the movie. *hides* I am Marmee. Jo is my favorite too, probably because she's a writer like me. :)

    2. You're Marmee!!!!!??? Oh my goodness! That is so AWESOME! I love Marmee, and Little Women in general. We actually call my mom Marmee.

  3. Awesome goals, Alea! And that's so amazing that you've been cast as a lead in Little Women! I second Julian and Sarah; I'd love to hear which character you are! :D

    Since you're asking for input, I'd love to see more posts about breaking the self-publishing stereotype, and making your book the best it can be! Your posts on that are amazing!

    I hope school goes well for you! And that you can get all of The Clockshifter rewritten! :)

    You're in my prayers, friend! <3


    1. I was cast as Marmee!

      Thank you! I will probably do more posts on design soon. I do some on editing too.

      Thank you so much, Liv!

  4. Oh, that's awesome! (Being part of Little Women!) I've always entertained the idea of acting, but it definitely would be far beyond my comfort zone. I hope you do well with your goals!

    1. Acting is really scary, but the performances are worth it. I don't really like practicing, but the thrill of performances is awesome. Thank you!

  5. Your goals sound like mine (except for the play part... I'm not in one;) and editing your book... since I still have to finish writing mine).

  6. Great goals! Hope you meet them all. :) Which role are you playing in Little Women?

  7. I wish you the best of luck on your goals! "Survive school", I feel you girl <3 Keep it up, the effort always pays off!

    ~ noor

    1. Thank you! Surviving school is a very real thing. I'll be so happy when break comes along.

  8. Good luck with all your goals. and congratulations on being in Little Women. Do you find it hard to memorize all your lines?


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