

ALEA HARPER always wanted a superpower, so she created a pen name and became an author. When she isn't creating stories, you can find her reading, fangirling, designing book covers, making a movie, or sipping tea.

Hello there, Internet Traveler! By day, I'm Megan McCullough, a book cover artist, filmmaker, and creative. By night I become my "alter ego," Alea Harper, an author.

At the age of 3, I was saved by the grace of the Lord Jesus, but on July 4, 2017, I rededicated my life to Him.

I'm currently the marketing manager at Illuminate YA, a graphic design student in college, and a director of a student-lead theatre ministry.


1. I'm introverted, but if I spend too much time alone, I "forget" how to interact with people.
2. I almost always disagree with movie critics.
3. I'm obsessed with red hair. (Ariel fan over here.)
4. Coffee makes me feel sick.
5. Essays are the bane of my existence.
6. I love watching home makeover videos.
7. My favorite time to read is right before bed.
8. Bullet journaling is one of my favorite hobbies.
9. My sister is almost 3 years younger than me, but people think we're twins.
10. Nadine Brandes is my favorite author.

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31