

"Ice Eyes" Story Snippet

Yes, I know that I am ignoring my taking a break rule, but I had to post something  before things get crazy to some of you who are participating in Camp NaNoWriMo, I would give you a little bit of one of my WIPs, Ice Eyes.  Now, its part of my first draft and nothing too special (please forgive typos, grammar issues, bad writing, etc.), but here it is:

Chapter 1

I clearly remember the moment I discovered my ability…my talent.  I was 11-years-old at the time.  One morning, I woke up and in my sleepy state, I started to stare and concentrate my attention on my alarm clock which was going off.  I hated that thing.  Absolutely hated it.  Why exactly did we have to get up at like 6:30 to go to school?  I mean, it was so ridiculous!  Anyways, the alarm clock began to move.  I concentrated on it harder and began to move it with my mind towards the wall, with intentions to smash it.  When I finally figured out what I was doing, I set it down (using my mind).  Immediately, I got out my laptop and searched on what would happen if someone like that was found out.  The info I got was terrifying and I promised myself that I would tell no one about what had happened.
                For the next 8 years, my ability became an asset.  Cleaning my room was easy…even fun!  I could move the clothes scattered across my floor into the hamper like a dream.  I loved to move things with my mind.
               That brings my story to the day I entered ninth grade.  It was August 2nd and every year on the first day of school, all of the ninth graders (except those repeating ninth grade) were tested by special physicians.
                “Bye, Dad!  Love you,” I kissed my Dad goodbye as he unlocked the door once we got to the school.
                “Love you, hun,” he replied.  I opened the door and walked up the school’s front doors.  My stomach fluttered with anticipation.  I took a deep breath and joined the bustle of students.  I made my way to the clinic, where I was to be tested sometime that way.  About 25 other students sat in the waiting area.  Some were on the floor and some were in chairs.  All of them looked nervous.  None of the tenth graders would tell what happened during the testing session.  Trust me, plenty had tried.
                I sat down on the ground, waiting for my name to be called.  About every 15 minutes or so, a nurse would come out and call someone’s name. 
                The door opened and the nurse came out once again.  A death-like silence filled the room.  “Eira Paton.”  I stiffened and took a deep breath for courage.  Then, I got up and followed the nurse out of the room.  My heart pounded harder than it ever had before.  What if they find out about my ability?  My biggest fear stung my mind. 

               The nurse led me into a room with an examination table and left me with a doctor.  He had the most unusual eyes.  They were scarlet, but not unkind.  They deeply contrasted my bright blue eyes.
               The doctor smiled, “Hello, Eira.” He paused, staring into my eyes.  I felt like he was staring straight through me, seeing my hidden abilities.  I shivered once more.  “You have the most unusual blue eyes I have ever seen,” he commented.  Was this part of the testing?  It was true, I did have odd eyes.  They were a seafoam color that were so bright they almost glowed.  No one has ever been able to hold my gaze for more than a few seconds.
                “Umm…thank you,” I said a moment later, having found my voice.
                “So,” the doctor began.  “We are going to do a blood test.”  He got out a needle.  I winced.  I hate needles.  I looked away as he pricked the needle through my skin and into my blood stream.  He drew the blood out of me and put a band aid over where the needle had been.  I looked back over to the red-eyed doctor who was injecting my blood onto a microscope slide.  He then slid the slide under the microscope and looked at the blood sample. 
                My heart was still pounding madly.  I wondered if it was distracting the doctor from looking at my blood sample.  
               Suddenly, the doctor gasped.  I almost shrieked at the sudden intake of his breath.  Frightening thoughts raced through my head.  Unanswered questions plagued me.  My heart rate sped up, if that was even possible.
               After a moment of silence, the doctor spoke, “I’m going to need to test you a little further.”  I let out a huge sigh of relief.  He didn’t say I was a freak, so that was great news.

                “I am going to ask you to do something that you may not be comfortable with,” he began.  I gulped.  “Move something with your mind.”  Now it was my time to be surprised.  
               “Because your blood sample showed that you should be able to do it,” his voice didn’t sound irritated…it sounded understanding.  There was also a hint of surprise in his voice.
               “Umm…” I hesitated.  Should I lie?  Should I run?  Should I tell the truth?  “How do I move something with my mind?  Is it even possible?”  I sealed my eyes shut, contemplating the half lie that I had just told.
                “I think you know how.”
                “I’m scared to…” I breathed.  The doctor smiled a bit.  His eyes showed compassion.  It gave me an ounce of courage.  I took a deep breath and focused on the doctor.  I concentrated on lifting him up in the air.  And it happened.  He did not seem shocked at what was happening to him, actually he seemed pleasantly surprised.
                “Your Elven blood runs strong in your veins.  Most half-bloods cannot lift something so heavy.”  My eyes grew wide.
               “Elven blood?”
               “Yes.  Only half-bloods have abilities like yours, and all of them do.  But, you are the only one that we know of so far that is still living.  But there will be no more half-bloods after your generation since the Elves became extinct,” he cast his eyes down, as if mourning a loss.  Then, he lifted his head, smiling.  “Here is your school schedule.  Remember, tell no one about your testing and tell no one that you are a half-blood.  Keep your abilities a secret,” the doctor handed me a piece of paper.
                “But I already have a schedule,” I replied, not intending to be rude.  “And I’m sorry for lying to you.  I’m terrified of telling someone about my abilities.”
               “You have a new schedule now that we know you are a half-blood.  The nurse will now show you out.”
                I turned and walked out the door, the nurse showing me back to the waiting room.
              “Please go to your second period class,” she instructed.  “The doctor will now see Henry Davis.”
               I walked out into the hall and opened the folded piece of paper that the doctor had handed me.  It was directions to my class.  Evidently, I didn’t have periods.  I had one class all day called Half-blood Special Ed. 
               I followed the directions to the classroom.  The lights were on, but nobody was there.  Cautiously, I opened the door and walked inside.  There was a round table with about 7 chairs around it.  In front of one seat, there was a dry erase board the size of a sheet of paper.  Something was written on the board.  It said:
              As soon as I am done testing, we will begin our class.  Please, have a seat.
               I sat down and reviewed the contents of my back pack, pulling the stuff out without my hands of course.  Much to my delight, I had brought my book, “Resistance” by Jaye L. Knight.  I read for a while, I have no idea how long.
              The door opened and I looked up from by book.  A young man with strange colored eyes walked in.  They had every color of the rainbow in them.  His hair was a yellowish blonde.  His face betrayed his uncertainty.
              “H-hi,” I stammered.     
                “Hello.  Am I in the right place?” he looked around the room.
               “Did the doctor give you a piece of paper?”
                “Yes,” he handed it to me.  I opened it up and saw that it looked exactly the same as mine.
                “You’re in the right place,” I assured him.  I look of relief swept over his face and he plopped himself in a seat a couple down from me.  “Are you a half-blood too?”
                The boy hesitated, “Yes.  I can do these really weird things.  I can move things-“
                “With your mind.  I can do that too,” I finished.  “I’m kinda nervous about being here.”
                We remained quiet after that.  I went back to reading my book.  Two other students entered the room and then the doctor came in.
               “Welcome, half-bloods,” he smiled, his red eyes flashing with excitement.  “You are the first half-bloods we have had for about 90 years.  All of the other half-bloods have died.  You are the only ones in the world with the special abilities that you have.”  Silence suffocated the room.  “I am going to teach you how to use your abilities to your advantage and to stay safe.”
               At that moment, the bell rang.  The doctor (I still didn’t know his name) spoke, “Have a great rest of your day.  Remember, tell no one about your abilities.  I will see you tomorrow.”
               All 4 of us exited the classroom at once.  I noticed that each one had bright colored eyes.  One had bright blue eyes that looked a little watery.  The other had forest green eyes.  Do all half-bloods have eyes like that?

Did you enjoy "Ice Eyes"? After I finish Chapter 2 (Probably in August due to Camp NaNoWriMo where I will be writing The Clockshifter), I will probably post it.


Great Post By Athelas

Yes, I know that I' on "break".  Haha, I guess maybe its an "I don't have to post every day" break.  Anyways, Athelas, author of the blog Red Lettering posted something really good yesterday titled Believability: Common Injuries.  It is very eye opening and thought provoking, so I thought that I would share it with you!  Here is the link:

Did it make you think?  How many unrealistic injuries do you have in your WIP?  How many times does someone get knocked unconscious?  Should your main character be dead with blows to the head?

Vote about it above the About Me section on the right!


Taking A Break

Hey, guys!  I'm taking a break from posting from now until July 13th!  I have a lot going on.  However, I do have a couple of posts that I've already written and they are scheduled to publish on July 1st and July 2nd (I think) to kick off Camp NaNoWriMo.  If you plan to do it but haven't signed up yet, cabin assignments are today!  And, feel free to look through all of my posts!  I have book reviews, writing tips, a book report I wrote, and blogging awards!  Also, you may want to check out my other pages!  They all have something different!  Have a great rest of June and part of July!  Bye!  *Waves frantically*

Above my little About Me thingy on the right is just a fun little poll that I put together that will end on July 1st at 9:50 AM!  Enjoy and continue checking the results!


Book Surgery

Yes, you read correct: book surgery.  Well, what in the world is book surgery?  Well, book surgery is basically majorly altering your first draft.  It is when your plot needs a little bit of help or you need to cut out a scene or even when you need to add or subtract a character.  Book surgery is when you need to add or subtract something very major to your story that will change your story in a major way.  Whew!  Sounds very exhausting doesn't it!  It isn't something that you can just click "Replace All" in Microsoft Word!  You have to manually go through and change it.  If your manuscript needed book surgery...would you trash the manuscript or do the procedure?

Vote above the About Me section on the right side of the screen!

Just Another Note: If you are planning to do Camp NaNoWriMo this year and haven't signed up yet, cabin assignments are tomorrow!


"Every Tear" Review

Product Details"Aside from the nagging and sometimes troubling memories and questions of his past, life for Will over the last year has been truly blessed. His relationship with Skye grows daily as he plans and prepares a future life for them. However, all he envisioned is endangered by an unexpected stranger with a shocking identity. Suddenly, Will learns more about his past than he thought he'd ever know, but it comes at a steep price when he and everyone closest to him are thrown into the middle of a dangerous plot that threatens all their lives.

Every Tear, the moving sequel to The Pirate Daughter's Promise, is an example of how God never leaves our side, even in our most troubling and sorrowful moments, taking every tear into account."

My Review

This book was very good!  It is the second book in the "Pirates and Faith" series. In my opinion, it is better than the first book in the series, "The Pirate Daughter's Promise".

The plot is very intriguing! It goes deeper into Will's past and has many twists and turns, though I thought that it was just a tad predictable (don't worry, I won't put any spoilers).  The book begins about two years after the first book ends.  Will goes back to work as a blacksmith...when he's not sailing on the "Grace" and Skye lives with her father.  One day, Will notices a strange old woman staring at him.  Circumstances spiral out of their control from that point on.  They must trust God to bring them through their trials and heal from tragedies...wiping away every tear!

There is a bit more romance in this book than the first, but it is wholesome and altogether sweet as the relationship between Will and Skye grows stronger, and doesn't take over the main plot.

I encourage you to read "Every Tear" and all of Molly Evangeline's books! In my opinion, she is the best writer! Please keep up writing wholesome adventure stories, Ms. Evangeline!!!

About the Author

My PhotoMolly Evangeline is a 25 year old independent author with a passion for writing Christian fantasy and clean New Adult fiction. Armed with an active imagination and love for adventure, Molly weaves stories of truth, faith, and courage with the message that even in the deepest darkness, God's love shines as a light to offer hope. She is a homeschool graduate and has been penning stories since the age of eight.
~Ps. 46:10~

Link To Buy Kindle Version:
Link to Buy Paperback Version:
Link to Buy Autographed Copy:
To Read About Writing "Every Tear" and Watch the Book Trailer:

 *Disclaimer* - I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.


Liebster Award

Athelas, author of Red Lettering, has just nominated me for the Liebster Award.  Thank you so much!

11 Random Facts About Me

  1. I’m totally obsessed with all things related to the book “Resistance” by Jaye L. Knight.
  1. I just started blogging June 1st
  1. I have loved fantasy my entire life.
  1. I am not really an animal person.
  1. I love long hair, even though I don't have really long hair.
  1. I love eating ice cream!
  1. I am a huge roller coaster person!
  1. I love to write fantasy and science fiction
  1. I hate wearing make-up.
  1. I like watching ballets.
  1. I won 1st place in a dance competition a few years ago.

11 Questions

Why did you start blogging?  I started blogging because...well...I love to write and would love to be able to share my writing and my love for Jesus with the world!

Who are your favorite three fictional characters?  Jace (Resistance by Jaye L. Knight), Kyrin (Resistance by Jaye l. Knight), and Sirion (The Makilien Trilogy by Molly Evangeline)

What is the most beautiful place you’ve ever been?  Hmm....probably Jamaica.

If your home was going to burn to the ground and any people and animals were safe, what one thing would you grab?  My Bible

Do you prefer the sun or the moon?  I probably like the sun better, because sunny days make me happy, but the moon is so mysterious...

Do you have a favorite Bible verse?  My favorite Bible verse is probably Romans 8:28 or John 3:16.  They are both so good!!!

Do you speak any second languages?  No.

What makes you cry in fiction? (Do you cry at fiction?)  Yes, I cry when the characters that I am emotionally attached to die, or are really sad.  Or when there is a super intense battle.

Who is your favorite historical figure?  Jesus

(Just as a random question…) Describe your floor.  My floor is gray carpet with maze-like designs in it.
What is the skill you’re the most proud of?  Either reading very fast or writing

I Nominate:

Katie and Anna - Cousins in Christ
Jaye L. Knight - Author Jaye L. Knight
Mickayla Jansen - Pencils Can Change the World
Samantha DellaCruse - Life of a Drama Queen: Plenty of Lights, Tons of Cameras, Mostly Action!
Gillian Adams - Of Battles, Dragons, and Swords of Adamant
Hannah  - The Writer's Window

Note on Nominating 9 bloggers under 200 followers: If you don't know of nine bloggers, just put as many as you know.  If you have no clue how many followers they have, just nominate them anyway. 

My 11 questions for Nominated Bloggers

1. Do you prefer fantasy or science fiction?
2. What is your favorite soundtrack listen to while writing/blogging?
3. Would you rather watch a movie or read a book?
4. Are you a plotter or do you tend to wing it when you write?
5. Would you rather have ice cream for dinner or real food?
6. Would you rather have steak, chicken, or something different?
7. What is your favorite Bible verse?
8. Who is your favorite author?
9. What is your favorite movie?
10. If you could tell someone about Jesus, how would you go about it?
11. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Plotting VS. Winging It

In general, there are two ways to write the first draft: Plotting and Winging It.  Other names for this are Plotting and Pantsing.  Plotting is where you plot your entire novel out before you actually being writing.  Pantsing, or as I like to call, winging it, is just that: writing whatever comes to your mind, staying within the plot, of course.

Personally, I find plotting fun (most of the time), but when it comes time to write, I feel like its all down on paper and there is no need to elaborate.  I like to come up with a general plot, what the problem is, and a few other major events and just start writing.  Also, I come up with most of my characters ahead of time and spend some time getting to know them.

Do you plot or wing it?  Vote just above the About Me section on the right side!


"The Lord of the Rings" Book Report

Hello!  This is a book report that I wrote a couple of months ago and thought that I'd share it with you!

Product Details
                Lord of the Rings, the classic fantasy series by J.R.R. Tolkien.  I recently read this series that consists of 3 books, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and Return of the King.  It was very good and I would like to tell you about it.

                First of all, I liked it a lot.  It had a lot of action and kept me on the edge of my seat for most of the series.  It was extremely suspenseful, especially in the third book.    One thing that I think the series needs, though, is more girls.  There are only three: Arwen, Eowen, and Galadriel.  These females are not main characters though.

                In this series, there are many characters.  First, there is Frodo Baggins, who is the Ring-bearer.  He is a hobbit, or Halfling from the Shire.  He has dark, curly hair, is determined, firm, and kind. He is the one who is chosen to take the Ring of Power to Mount Doom in Mordor to destroy it.  Next, there is Legolas, who is an elven prince from Mirkwood.  He always carries his iconic bow and arrow and enjoys singing.   He is best friends with Gimli the dwarf and accompanies Frodo on the second part his quest to destroy the Ring created by Sauron, the antagonist.  Third, there is Aragorn.  He is a human and a descendant of Isildur, who cut the Ring off of Sauron’s finger thousands of years before.  He becomes King on Gondor and marries Arwen.  He also accompanies Frodo on a lot of his journey to destroy the Ring.  Fourth, there is Sauron, an evil being and main antagonist in Lord of the Rings.  He is portrayed as a large red eye and seeks out his Ring to complete his power and take over Middle-earth.  Sauron is the creator of the Ring.  Lastly, there is Gollum, a strange frog-like hobbit that has a dual personality.  After possessing the Ring for a long time, it began eating away at his already malicious brain and, therefore, possessed him.  The Ring was “taken away” from him by Bilbo Baggins, Frodo’s uncle, in The Hobbit, before being given to Frodo.

                The plot in Lord of the Rings is outstanding.  There are twists and turns and loop the loops in almost every page!  This series is about Frodo’s efforts to destroy the Ring, thus defeating Sauron.  It has a very detailed plot and therefore, the books in the series are lengthy.

                Overall, I recommend this series to anyone who loves adventure and fantasy, because these books are full of both!


"The Pirate Daughter's Promise" Review

"Orphaned at a young age, Skylar McHenry grew up as little more than a servant and shunned by everyone around her because of her reputation as a pirate's daughter. Each day Skye faces is marked by some new struggle. Her only hope is to rely on her heavenly Father's care and comfort and the solace of her best friend, Will, who has become more than dear to her.

Just when an unexpected encounter gives Skye a small glimmer of hope that things might change in her favor, her world is shattered. She is awakened in the night by cannon blasts. Pirates storm the orphanage, drag her away, and force her aboard their ship. The cruel captain's intentions are clear. He will extract from her, through any means necessary, the location of the treasure hidden by her father. For Skye to divulge the location would mean breaking the last promise she made to him. She's certain she never will, but what happens when the lives of those dearest to her are at stake?

The Pirate Daughter's Promise is full of daring high seas adventure; sweet, wholesome romance; surprising discoveries; unlikely new friends; and the rewards of trusting in God even when life seems impossible."

My Review

This book was very good! Reading this book after the other ones that Ms. Evangeline has written, I can see her writing progress! Don't get me wrong, the writing was very good, but her more recent books (Makilien Trilogy, Resistance) are even better!

The plot is very intriguing! It is about Skye who is shunned by the other people at the orphanage where she lives and works. One day, the city of Kingston, Jamaica (where Skye lives) is attacked by pirates and Skye is taken captive. The pirate captain attempts to extract the location of a hidden treasure from her, something she cannot do because of a promise she made to her father. So, she is presented with a dilemma: keep her loved ones from harm and break her promise to her dead father, or keep her promise and have her loved ones harmed.

There is a bit of romance in this book, but it is entirely wholesome and altogether sweet. There is also no kissing either. :)

I encourage you to read The Pirate Daughter's Promise and all of Molly Evangeline's books! In my opinion, she is the best writer!

About the Author

My PhotoMolly Evangeline is a 25 year old independent author with a passion for writing Christian fantasy and clean New Adult fiction. Armed with an active imagination and love for adventure, Molly weaves stories of truth, faith, and courage with the message that even in the deepest darkness, God's love shines as a light to offer hope. She is a homeschool graduate and has been penning stories since the age of eight.
~Ps. 46:10~

Link To Buy Kindle Version on Amazon:

Link To Buy Paperback Version on Amazon:

Link To Buy A Signed Copy:

Link To Read About Writing The Pirate Daughter's Promise and Book Trailer:


Camp NaNoWriMo

Okay, so first of all, what is Camp NaNoWriMo?  It does have a weird name.  NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month.  National Novel Writing Month is November, but an offshoot of NaNoWriMo holds camps in April and July.  Basically, you sign up and try to write a novel in a month.  In July, I will be participating and writing The Clockshifter with a word count goal of 50,000 words.  Here is a link to Camp NaNoWriMo


"Trust" Review

Picture"Struggling to cope with the losses of battle, Makilien seeks to live each day in trust of Elohim's plans. As the conflict of hope and reality war in her mind, a sudden arrival changes everything, bringing to light a new scheme wrought by the remnant of Zirtan's men.

Finding herself witness to a shocking act of treachery, Makilien is thrust into the very center of the dangerous plans. Trust is something she must give carefully as those who appear trustworthy fail even as those she would least expect could hold the key to success. Can she and those around her secure their safety and freedom or will they find themselves outwitted by their enemy's final act of dominance?"

My Review

Trust is the third installment of the Makilien Trilogy by Molly Evangeline.  It starts about a year after the second book ends.

The major characters are pretty much the same.

This book is an emotional roller coaster.  There are happy parts along with break-your-heart parts.  In my opinion, it is not the best in the trilogy, but don't get me wrong, I still love it!

I strongly encourage you to read this book, and Trilogy!  I read the entire Trilogy in about 5 days (I read really fast).  Molly Evangeline really knows how to hook a reader and create emotional and intense scenes.  The battles in this trilogy, but written beautifully.  Honestly, I don't know what to say other than: GO READ IT!

About the Author

My PhotoMolly Evangeline is a 25 year old independent author with a passion for writing Christian fantasy and clean New Adult fiction. Armed with an active imagination and love for adventure, Molly weaves stories of truth, faith, and courage with the message that even in the deepest darkness, God's love shines as a light to offer hope. She is a homeschool graduate and has been penning stories since the age of eight.
~Ps. 46:10~

 Buy The Book on Kindle: Amazon
Buy The Paperback Copy:
Buy A Signed Copy:
Buy Jewelry Inspired By The Books:

*Disclaimer* - I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.


"Courage" Review

Picture"Determined to follow the will of Elohim, Makilien faces daily threats and hardship. But an even bigger threat is growing. Bent on destroying his opposition once and for all, Zirtan amasses a devastating force to take control of Dolennar. When a dangerous secret comes to light, Makilien, along with her family and Aedan, are thrust into the middle of the struggle.

Faced with an army far outnumbering their own, Makilien and her friends risk everything--injury, captivity, even death--to gather their allies. But in the end, their hope and courage must rest in Elohim. Can the forces of good achieve victory, or will the might of evil prevail? Who will be left to see the end?"

My Review

Courage is a fabulous book by Molly Evangeline.  It is the third book in the Makilien Trilogy, and in my opinion, the best one.  It is very intense and extremely well written. 


The book is about a young woman named Makilien.  She is a spirited girl with a big heart and very well developed.

This book starts one year after the first book ends.  It has an amazing plot, continuing from the next book! 

I strongly encourage you to read this book, and Trilogy!  I read the entire Trilogy in about 5 days (I read really fast).  Molly Evangeline really knows how to hook a reader and create emotional and intense scenes.  The battles in this trilogy, but written beautifully.  Honestly, I don't know what to say other than: GO READ IT!

About the Author

My PhotoMolly Evangeline is a 25 year old independent author with a passion for writing Christian fantasy and clean New Adult fiction. Armed with an active imagination and love for adventure, Molly weaves stories of truth, faith, and courage with the message that even in the deepest darkness, God's love shines as a light to offer hope. She is a homeschool graduate and has been penning stories since the age of eight.
~Ps. 46:10~

 Buy The Book on Kindle: Amazon
Buy The Paperback Copy:
Buy A Signed Copy:
Buy Jewelry Inspired By The Books:

*Disclaimer* - I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.


"Truth" Review"Trapped in a village no one is allowed to leave, Makilien yearns for the answers to her questions about life and the world outside the village walls. Yet no one but her closest friend seems to understand or share her desire. Despite her family's fears and warnings of the consequences, she is determined to find answers.

The unexpected arrival of a stranger, and the knowledge he possesses, drives Makilien to drastic action. Confronted with a world she knows nothing about, she must choose carefully who to trust as both good and evil lurk in all places. As a battle looms, one in which will be determined the fate of all, she must decide whether to believe in the One who is truth or fall prey to the lies of the enemy."

My Review
First of all, I'm sorry that I was really late with this post.

Truth is the first book in the Makilien Trilogy by Molly Evangeline (who now publishes under Jaye L. Knight).  While Truth is not my favorite book in the series, I still loved it!  It is probably my second favorite book in the series and my third favorite book ever!  Courage, the second book in the trilogy is my second favorite, behind Resistance.

The book is about a young woman named Makilien.  Makilien, unlike all of the other people in the village of Reylaun wants to see the world outside of the village.  She is a spirited girl with a big heart and very well developed.

The plot was amazing with twists, turns, and nail biting moments.  I was afraid to get too attached to some of the characters for fear that they would die somehow.  Danger is everywhere in the book.  Fabulous job, Ms. Evangeline!

I strongly encourage you to read this book, and Trilogy!  I read the entire Trilogy in about 5 days (I read really fast).  Molly Evangeline really knows how to hook a reader and create emotional and intense scenes.  The battles in this trilogy, but written beautifully.  Honestly, I don't know what to say other than: GO READ IT!

About the Author

My PhotoMolly Evangeline is a 25 year old independent author with a passion for writing Christian fantasy and clean New Adult fiction. Armed with an active imagination and love for adventure, Molly weaves stories of truth, faith, and courage with the message that even in the deepest darkness, God's love shines as a light to offer hope. She is a homeschool graduate and has been penning stories since the age of eight.
~Ps. 46:10~

Buy The Book on Kindle: Amazon
Buy The Paperback Copy:
Buy A Signed Copy:
Buy Jewelry Inspired By The Books:

*Disclaimer* - I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.


Writer's Block and Point A to Point B Syndrome

Writer's block is a writer's biggest obstacle.  It is frustrating, annoying, and often comes at the worst times and hates to leave you.  What is writer's block?  Well, writer's block is when you can't think of what should happen next in your story. 

Recently, I "invented" another type of writer's block.  I call it Point A to Point B Syndrome.  That is where you know what is going to happen in your story, you just can't fill the space in between what just happened and what is going to happen.  You feel uninspired to fill in the gap.  This can be extremely frustrating.  I find myself having Point A to Point B Syndrome with my WIP, The Clockshifter.  I haven't started writing it yet, but I am trying to start it.

Note to Readers: It will be pretty quiet on the blog for the next couple of weeks or so.


Character Interview with Alynn

Hello again!  Last night, I had an opportunity to do a character interview with Alynn from "Faith", Katie Grace's WIP.  Click Here to visit her blog.

Who is your closest friend?  I tend to be shyer, that's just my personality. Since I'm not very outgoing, I don't interact with many people in my village. I spend most of the time with my sister, Enna. So she'd be my closest friend. *smiles*

What is your most painful experience?  I've had a few painful experiences ever since our village got raided. I suppose the most painful experience was when I hurt my ankle and broke it in several places. We had to put our journey aside while it was healing.

What is your first memory?  *deep in thought* I can't think of a specific first memory. I have always loved the dinner conversations I had with my family around our wooden table. Oh, and Enna's laugh when she was younger. It always started off quietly and then rose to a shrieking giggle. *laughs at the memory*

What is your favorite color?  Favorite color? *sits back in chair* I don't have a strong preference. A light purple is always pretty.

What are your favorite things to do? I know that you are a shyer person, so you probably do more things like reading or writing than interacting with other people your age.  *Nods head* You described me perfectly. I enjoy reading a lot. Writing... I have yet to get into that. Enna and I are too busy looking for our parents right now to do anything fun. *Bits lip*

What is your pet peeve?  *blushes* I don't like bugs. There were a ton of them in the forest of Caralel. It was disgusting; I even had a spider crawl on me! *shivers*

Can you think clearly in stressful situations? Or, maybe I should rephrase that. Were you panicking when you broke your ankle?  *blushes again* I like to take situations one step at a time, but when I'm scared or frightened I tend to not think things through. While we were camping in the forest I heard a noise amidst the trees. I screamed and ran away, thinking that it was some sort of hideous creature. Turns out it was probably only a rabbit and that caused us to lose half of our supplies. Enna was annoyed at me then.

Does your sister sometimes get on your nerves? I know younger sisters can do that occasionally.  *shakes head* I probably get more on her nerves than she gets on mine. I've taken over the mothering personality whenever she gets these absurd ideas ever since our parents disappeared. Of course she annoys me though, younger sisters are like that. Other than that we have a very good relationship.

You mentioned having meals with your family. What was your favorite meal that your mom made?  At Christmas time we always had this amazing feast of food that she always made. She cooked up chicken, biscuits, fruit, beans, and her apple pie that she is known for.

Do you want to get married when you get older?  *smiles and looks upward* Lord willing, I would really want that.

Were your parents Christians when you were born?  They were. It was really nice growing up in a Christian family. They were always so encouraging.

I bet! Thank you so much for agreeing to be on my blog post, Alynn!  *nods politely* Thank you for having me.

Every other Saturday, on Katie's blog, she will post snippets from her story.  Since she blogs with her cousin Anna, the other Saturdays have snippets from Anna's story.  I encourage you to check out their blog, Cousins in Christ!


"Resistance" Review

“Don’t you know? Animals like you have no soul.”

Could God ever love a half-blood all of society looks upon with such fear and disdain? Jace once believed so, but when a tragic loss shatters the only peace he’s ever known, his faith crumbles as the nagging doubts he’s tried to put behind him descend on his grieving heart. With them come the haunting memories of the bloodstained past he longs to forget, but can never escape.

Taken from home at a young age and raised to serve the emperor, Kyrin Altair lives every day under a dangerous pretense of loyalty. After her unique observation skills and perfect memory place her into direct service to the emperor, Kyrin finds herself in further jeopardy as it becomes increasingly difficult to hide her belief in Elôm, the one true God.

Following the emperor’s declaration to enforce the worship of false gods under the penalty of death, many lives are endangered. But there are those willing to risk everything to take a stand and offer aid to the persecuted. With their lives traveling paths they never could have imagined, Jace and Kyrin must fight to overcome their own fears and conflicts with society as they become part of the resistance.
My Review

Hi guys!  So, today I am reviewing the book "Resistance" by Jaye L. Knight.  The short version of my review is: IT IS EPIC!  Yes, it is my new favorite book with "Courage" by Molly Evangeline (who Ms. Knight was previously published as) in second place.

The characters in "Resistance" are extremely well developed and have deep hurts that make your heart break.  Jace is half ryrik, half human and shunned by most people for his ryrik blood.  Kyrin is a young woman who remembers everything from the time she was four and is one of the few secret followers of Elôm (what the people of Ilyon call God).  Her, along with her brother, are shunned by their peers.  These two characters are who the story is primarily about.

The plot is absolutely outstanding!  It starts out as two separate stories, switching every few chapters or so.  As the book progressed, their stories intertwined and a beautiful friendship was created.

This book is absolutely the best book I have ever read!  Ms. Knight did a fabulous job and I strongly encourage that you read it!

About the Author

My PhotoJaye L. Knight is a 25 year old independent author with a passion for writing Christian fantasy and clean New Adult fiction. Armed with an active imagination and love for adventure, Jaye weaves stories of truth, faith, and courage with the message that even in the deepest darkness, God's love shines as a light to offer hope. She is a homeschool graduate and has been penning stories since the age of eight.
~Ps. 46:10~

Here is a link to the summary of the book:

Here is a link to buy the Kindle version: "Resistance" by Jaye L. Knight Kindle Version

Here is a link to buy signed copy of book:

Here is a link to Jaye L. Knight's Etsy page for book inspired jewelry:

God Bless!



     First of all, what is fanfiction?  Well, fanfiction is a genre of sorts.  The name says it all.  It is where fans of a book or movie take the book's (or movie's) plot, characters, and/or any other elements and make a story of their own.  The author of the fanfiction story may make up their own characters to go in it, or just use the already created characters.  Yes, it is legal, as long as you don't publish or sell your fanfiction story.


The Sunflower Blogger Award

Hey guys!  A couple of days ago, Jaye L. Knight posted about the Sunflower Blogger Award!  She tagged Katie and Anna from the blog Cousins in Christ, who in turn tagged me! 

11 Random Facts About Me

  1. I’m totally obsessed with all things related to the book “Resistance” by Jaye L. Knight.
  1. I just started blogging June 1st
  1. I have loved fantasy my entire life.
  1. I am not really an animal person.
  1. I love long hair, even though I don't have really long hair.
  1. I love eating ice cream!
  1. I am a huge roller coaster person!
  1. I love to write fantasy and science fiction
  1. I hate wearing make-up.
  1. I like watching ballets.
  1. I won 1st place in a dance competition a few years ago.
11 Answers to 11 Questions

1.What is your favorite thing to do when you have time to spare? Either read or write

2.Do you prefer movies or books? Probably books, but I love movies too!
3. Favorite Bible verse?  Psalm 23.  I know that is an entire chapter...but...
4.What is the last sentence you wrote in a story? What do I have to lose?”
5.Who is your favorite author? Jaye L. Knight/Molly Evangeline
6.What is your biggest pet peeve? My biggest pet peeve is when my sister keeps insisting I do something even after I have said no.
7.What’s your favorite dessert? Ice Cream or peanut butter pie
8.If you could live in any time period (past, present, or future) what would you choose? Medieval
9.What is your favorite book to re-read (besides the Bible)? "Resistance" by Jaye L. Knight
10.What genre do you read most? Fantasy
11.What is the best movie you have ever watched? I am picking 3 (well, technically 6): "The Lord of the Rings" movies, "Maleficent", and "God's Not Dead".


I now tag Mickayla, author of the blog Pencils Can Change the World.

Writing the 1st Draft

     In some ways, writing the first draft can be the hardest, and in some ways it is the easiest part of writing a novel or short story.  It is where your story takes shape and begins to look actual story instead of a group of ideas on a sheet of paper or a plot chart.  Sometimes it can be easy; and sometimes it can be difficult.  It is where your ideas begin to come to life in the form of dialogue, description, and action.  In your plan, you may have put "Miranda gets attacked by antagonist", you actually describe the scene of her getting attacked.  Here are some tips to make writing the first draft a bit easier.  Now, I'm not saying that it will be easy...
     Your 1st draft will be far from perfect.
     Don't expect it to be perfect.  If you do, then you will get frustrated far easier and want to stop working on the story because it probably is...well...just plain awful.  You will edit your first draft after you write it to make it perfect.

     Don't worry about spelling or grammar too much.
     This is something that you can fix when you are editing.  I know, I am fanatic about not having red lines under my words too.  But, if I can't right click and see the correct spelling, I usually leave it alone.  Grammar...I leave that for editing.  If you try to edit your first draft while writing it, it can slow you down.  Remember, your first draft is not supposed to be perfect!  It is a "quick" write to get your story on paper!  This will not be the version that you submit to an agent or publisher.

     Don't expect to get the 1st draft done in a week!
     It is not impossible to get the 1st draft done in a week, but highly unlikely.  Think about it, if you are writing a novel, you have to write at least 60,000 words!  The most I have ever written in a day was 10,000 words, and that was only once!  Usually, the most I can write in one day is about 3,000 words before my brain totally goes dead until the next day.  So if I do a little bit of math, 3,000 x 7 = 21,000 words in a week.  In order to write a 60,000 word novel in a week, you would have to write about 8,572 words every day! 

     A lot of authors can finish their first drafts in a month.
     A month is a lot more feasible.  A LOT!  Instead of writing 8,500 words each day, you would only have to write 2,000 words a day for 30 days.  There is something in the month of November called NaNoWrimo.  I know, I know, it sounds super bazaar!  It stands for National Novel Writing Month, which means, well, you write the first draft of a novel in one month!  Click here for the link to the NaNoWrimo website.

Build a support team.
     Find yourself some writing friends, or find some good friends who love to read.  Get them excited about reading your novel when its finished!  Tell them the plot, but be careful not to accidentally spill the beans on plot twists.  Let them know your progress and show them your character inspiration pictures.  Hopefully, they will encourage you to continue writing your novel when you don't feel like pressing on!

     My biggest tip is to have FUN!
     Yes, at times, writing can be a chore.  But, at least try to enjoy it!  If you do not have any deadlines, try writing a lot when inspiration strikes you.  Or, if you don't think that you have the time to write a novel, check out this blog post on Go Teen Writers called Write A Novel, Ten Minutes At A Time.

So, those are my tips to writing the first draft of your story!  God bless!


Formulating Villains

        The villain.  Every story has one of some kind.  The evil mastermind forming a diabolical weapon that will destroy the universe.  Sounds like an interesting villain, right?  Well, he could be...but he may not be.  Basically, it all comes down to his motive.  If his motive is to get in the hero's way, it will get boring.  Why does he want to get in the hero's way? 
        If we go back to the guy wanting to destroy the universe, he would want to get in the hero's way because the hero was trying to stop him from destroying the universe!  That would be his motive.  He also has to have a reason to desire the universe in smithereens.  It could be that he wants to get back at somebody.  It could be anything, just as long as it doesn't sound like he is doing it just because it makes a good novel!  He has to have motive.
        I strongly recommend that you check out Of Battles, Dragons, and Swords of Adamant, a blog by Gillian Adams for more tips on writing villains.


Creating Characters

        Creating characters can be extremely fun!  You get to see what they look like and find out what they like to do, where they were born, and even who they secretly dislike.  You get to have an insider look at the stars of your novel or short story.

        In the past, I have done different strategies with naming my characters.  One time, I came up with my name and then found a good picture of an actor or model.  Another time, found out what they looked like and then named them.  Find out which way works best for you!

        Here is how I created my main character for my current WIP (WIP stands for work in progress).

        First, I found a picture of an actor and I drew her from that:
        Next, I looked online for "girl names".  I came up with Lyric for the first name and then, when I had finished naming the 5 other characters in my book, I did all of the last names!

        Now is one of the best parts!  I gave Lyric the qualities that make her who she is!  I made her smart, but not very athletic.  I told secrets about her that not even she knows.  This will make her an interesting character that readers will want to read about!  Some things I write about her may not be included in the book, but it helps me know her better, and that is always a good thing.

        A book with boring characters is generally...well...boring-like a movie with bad acting.  Interesting characters are key and I hope that my process helps you!

Welcome to My Blog!

Hello!  Yesterday, I started this blog!  Stay tuned if you want to learn about writing and have fun!  Thanks for stopping by!