

"The Mystery of the Midnight Trespasser" Book Review + Interview withAuthor Hosanna Emily

It's release day for The Mystery of the Midnight Trespasser!

About the Book

  "Rosy growled, and I knew she was pacing the porch. I sensed her uneasiness. Something was wrong. Rosy never barked at cars; why would she choose this one?" 

   13 year-old Emily Kessler believes in God, but when she discovers someone trespassing in the middle of the night, can she learn to trust in Him completely? Will she have the courage to solve the mystery with her friends? And when everything falls apart, will Emily be able to keep those she loves safe?

My Review

I'm a huge fan of mysteries.  Between 4th and 5th grade I read all of the Nancy Drew books (usually 1 a night).  The Mystery of the Midnight Trespasser fits right in with that.

I really enjoyed the way this book was written.  Hosanna has a beautiful style of writing that shows what is happening in an eloquent way.

Emily Kessler is a great main character!  She is actually scared to solve the mystery.  :)

Overall, this is a great book for people of all ages, even though it is a Middle Grade book.

You can buy this book here: Amazon

Interview with Hosanna Emily

Thank you so much for joining me today Hosanna!

When did you first get into writing?
I've been creating stories since I was really little. The first ones I wrote were basically one-page stories on notebook paper, and I didn't include any dialogue because then the story would be too long.   =)  But when I was thirteen, I did a curriculum for school that made me realize that I LOVED writing and that others enjoyed reading what I wrote!  After that, I was able to take more classes that led me through the process of writing a novel!

What inspired you to write The Mystery of the Midnight Trespasser?
The first time I thought of the idea for The Mystery of the Midnight Trespasser was when I was joking along with my mom.  I mentioned it half in jest, but somehow along the way it turned into a real idea.  Parts of the story are based on real things that have happened on our road (for instance, we really had a strange truck drive down our road after dark!).  Those ideas turned into a story skeleton, which turned into a real book!

Why did you choose indie-publishing? Would you ever consider traditional publishing?

I choose indie-publishing because a friend (who is also a self-published author) recommended it.  I also didn't want to wait many long months for people to read it!!  I wanted to get my novella out there as soon as possible.  I have also enjoyed being able to handle all the parts of editing...picking my own cover, deciding the formats, etc.  I'm not sure at all if I will use traditional publishing in the future or not...I have enjoyed self-publishing. =)

What is the best writing advice anyone has ever given you?

Hmm...probably just to keep at it!  I (often) forget to write when I get busy with other things.  Having others encourage you (thanks Alea!) helps a LOT!

How has your faith affected your writing?
My whole goal in writing is to bring God glory.  If that does not happen, then my work is basically worthless to me.  Sure it's fun to have "followers", but I want Him to be glorified.  I try to use the gift He has given me in the way He would want me to.  I want my readers to see how gracious and loving my Savior is!  That's the point of my writing—to point up to God!

About the Author

Hosanna Emily wrote her first novel at age fourteen.  She is a homeschooled, independent author who is the oldest daughter in a family of eleven.  She enjoys exploring the sparkling creek by her home in rural Kentucky, reading, drawing, learning American Sign Language, and spending time with her family and with her Creator.

To learn more, visit her blog at:


15 Writing Venues to Write At Before I Die (In No Particular Order)

1. The Grand Canyon.

I got to do this 2 summers ago.

Here I am, trying my best to type on my iPod (and not fall off the edge of the cliff).  Just kidding,  I'm too scared to get close to the edge.

2. Coffee Shop

Panera Bread works too.  ;)

3. Writer's Conference

I'm going to Realm Makers this summer!

4. England

I have wanted to travel there all my life.

5. Anywhere with a writer friend.

Check!!! (But I want to do this way more.)

6. A bookstore.

Because...why not?

7. Sedona, Arizona

I went there 2 summers ago and decided to have a short story take place there.

8. Iceland

Pictures from here are so beautiful.

9. By a campfire.

This is a fun thing to do.

10. In a car on a roadtrip.

I have gotten so much writing done in the car.

11. On a plane.  

Ignore the movies, Alea...just ignore them...

12. New Zealand 

13. Waiting in line somewhere.

14. Disney World

Check!  (My first story as a writer took place here.)

15. Blue Ridge Parkway

It is so beautiful there.


Where are some places you would like to write at?


The Mystery of the Midnight Trespasser COVER REVEAL + The Making of the Cover

Today I am taking part in Hosanna Emily's cover reveal for her debut novella, The Mystery of the Midnight Trespasser, which will be released on April 26.

About the Book

"Rosy growled, and I knew she was pacing the porch. I sensed her uneasiness. Something was wrong. Rosy never barked at cars; why would she choose this one?" 

13-year-old Emily Kessler believes in God, but when she discovers someone trespassing in the middle of the night, can she learn to trust in Him completely? Will she have the courage to solve the mystery with her friends? And when everything falls apart, will Emily be able to keep those she loves safe?

The Making of the Cover

I designed this cover...and Hosanna graciously allowed me to share with you the process of making it!  Thank you so much, Hosanna!  (Note: This is the extremely simplified version of the process.)

1. This cover's origins are as an illustrated cover.  *hides face*  My artistic skills are limited...and this is what it came up with (after a TON of work).
*hangs head in shame* I can't believe I'm showing you this...
2. After many hours of work, I scrapped this and decided on using images.  I found these two on

3. After making the forest look like nighttime, adding the truck to the picture, and making the headlights light up, it was time for some text.  This was hard and took some research.  I wasn't sure what kind of font to use.  Here is the finished result one more time:

About the Author

Hosanna Emily wrote her first novel at age fourteen.  She is a homeschooled, independent author who is the oldest daughter in a family of eleven.  She enjoys exploring the sparkling creek by her home in rural Kentucky, reading, drawing, learning American Sign Language, and spending time with her family and with her Creator.

To learn more, visit her blog at:


So You Want to be a Blogger... ||| Creating an Eye-Catching Design

The design of your blog is what draws people in.  You can have the best-written posts ever, but the design is what makes people want to stay.

So...what makes a good design?  (Just a note: The design tutorials in this post are for Blogger.  Sorry, Wordpress users!)

1. A pretty and professional header.

The header is the first thing a reader sees when they click on a link to your blog.  Seeing the Blogger-made header isn't the most attractive.  Making a header doesn't require you to be a professional graphic designer.  I know I'm sure not one.  :) 
You can see this when you go to a blog...
(Blogger-made header)
or this.
(Homemade header)

Here are some fantastic tutorials on header-making.

How to Create a Blog Header (That Looks Good!) - The Wonder Forest
Easy Blog Design Tutorials for the Blogspot Blogger (#1) - A Writer's Faith


- Don't forget about copyright!  Before you use any font or image, make sure you can use it on your blog without infringing copyright.
- is a great resource for free fonts.
- is has free pictures you can use on your blog!
- Your header will most likely dictate the color palette of your blog.

2. Find your color palette.

Find a few colors in your header that look good together.  You will use these throughout the blog.

3. Find the right Blogger template.

Blogger comes equipped with a few templates.  From there, you can customize the colors and fonts.

4. Make sure your fonts are easy to read.

This is huge.  If someone doesn't find something easy to read, they most likely aren't and will leave your blog.  Yes, you want everything to look nice, just please make sure everything is easy to read!

5. Create pages.

Particularly the About Me page.  People want to know who you are!!!  Katie Grace at A Writer's Faith has a fantastic step-by-step tutorial on this here.

6. Declutter the sidebar.

KEEP IT SIMPLE.  Simplicity is best.  Katie has a fantastic tutorial on this as well, which you can find here.


I say this again.  Simplicity is best.  Please, please, please do not make it to busy.

8. Study other blogs.

What do you like about his or her design?  Why do you like it?  How can you apply it to your blog?


Any questions?  What are your best blog design tips?  Has your blog ever undergone a makeover?


Book Review: Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

About the Book

Cinder is back and trying to break out of prison―even though she'll be the Commonwealth's most wanted fugitive if she does―in this second installment from Marissa Meyer.
Halfway around the world, Scarlet Benoit's grandmother is missing. It turns out there are many things Scarlet doesn't know about her grandmother, or the grave danger she has lived in her whole life. When Scarlet encounters Wolf, a street fighter who may have information as to her grandmother's whereabouts, she is loath to trust this stranger, but is inexplicably drawn to him, and he to her. As Scarlet and Wolf unravel one mystery, they encounter another when they meet Cinder. Now, all of them must stay one step ahead of the vicious Lunar Queen Levana.

My Review

The wait for this book to come in from the library was agony.  However, Scarlet does not disappoint.

In Scarlet, the world of the Lunar Chronicles expands from New Bejing to France.  These books are so diverse...I love them.  :)

Scarlet is a reincarnation of Little Red Riding Hood.  She's very outgoing and very trusting.  (There were some parts when I wanted to scream at her.). She's a well character, but I like Cinder better.

In this book, we are also introduced to Captain Carswell Thorne.  I have to be honest, Thorne is hilarious.  He's a Captain Jack Harkness type of character who isn't the most noble.  He's a good character.  :)

The rest of the cast is good too.  ;)

Basically, this book is awesome and you must read it.

Content Warnings

Like Cinder, this book has a bit of language.  There is also a bit more kissing than in Cinder.

About the Author

Marissa MeyerMarissa Meyer is a fangirl at heart, with a closet full of costumes, a Harry Potter wand on her desk, and a Tuxedo Mask doll hanging from her rear view mirror. Han and Leia are still her OTP. She may or may not be a cyborg. 

Announcement (Unrelated to Scarlet)

One of my good friends, Hosanna Emily, is hosting sign ups for her debut novella, The Mystery of the Midnight Trespasser!  If you are interested, please go to her blog:


Have you read Cinder or Scarlet?  How did you like it?  Feel free to discuss/fangirl in the comments below!


Book Review: Cinder by Marissa Meyer

About the Book
Humans and androids crowd the raucous streets of New Beijing. A deadly plague ravages the population. From space, a ruthless Lunar people watch, waiting to make their move. No one knows that Earth’s fate hinges on one girl. . . .

Cinder, a gifted mechanic, is a cyborg. She’s a second-class citizen with a mysterious past, reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister’s illness. But when her life becomes intertwined with the handsome Prince Kai’s, she suddenly finds herself at the center of an intergalactic struggle, and a forbidden attraction. Caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal, she must uncover secrets about her past in order to protect her world’s future.

My Review

This book is part of the reason I took an unannounced hiatus a couple of weeks ago.  ;)  I have been meaning to read this book for a long time.  Two weeks ago, I did.  It.  Was.  Awesome.

Marissa really knows how to create worlds and immerse you inside of them.  I could clearly picture everything in my mind in a way that really made me want to live there (except for the Plague).

Cinder is very different from Cinderella in the original story.  She is a cyborg, looked down upon by every normal human.  She isn't the a drop-dead gordeous girl either.  There are always stains on her clothes, gloves on her hands, and sarcasm in her voice. She's an awesome character.  :)

Prince Kai is pretty great as well.  He's the innocent I-hate-boring-politics sort of Prince that everyone is "in love with".  (Meaning every girl and android in the country.  Yes, android.  I'm looking at you, Iko.)

The romance in this story was very well done.  The original Cinderella story is filled with insta-love.  This story takes it slow and steady, and the relationship is still developing when the book ends.

Content Warnings

This book was pretty clean.  There were only a couple of bad words and one kiss.

End Comments

Overall, I highly recommend this book!  (They get even better as they go!)

About the Author