

my tip to writing faster (especially when you aren't motivated).

I'm the kind of person who will look at the clock, realize I have an hour of misery left in this miserable class, and then tell myself that I have three 20 minute increments left.  Suddenly, an hour seems much less.  That sounds super weird, but I'm kinda weird like that. :)

Where am I going with this weird time thing?

A couple of years ago, Katie Grace told me about this amazing site called WriteDeck.  Its a site where you race other writers (or yourself) to a certain word count.

WriteDeck motivates me to write even when I don't want to because a.) I'm competitive and want to win and b.) it's a different format.  Also, it's tricking my brain into making me write faster.  Why, I don't know.

I usually race myself so I can get the full amount of words in.  If I do 2 races to 500 words, I have a thousand words written!  Breaking up the word sprint into smaller intervals helps keep my creative juices flowing faster.  It's also how I've written some of a new WIP. (hint: it's contemporary and apocalyptic. #queenofmixingopppositegenres)

Have you ever used WriteDeck?  Did it help motivate you to write?


  1. I recently (July Camp, actually) discovered myWriteClub. Which look fairly similar? Word sprints where you can see progress bars for everyone? I found myWriteClub immensely helpful, anyway. I don't know why either? except my brain is apparently easy to trick?

    ... hang on. You use [used??] myWriteClub. I've just realised I'm following you on there! (but you haven't updated your projects for over a year ;) So I'm guessing you're not using it so much now?

    WriteDeck sounds cool! It's always nice when writers share tools to help each other. :D
    Jem Jones

    1. I forgot about myWriteClub! I'll have to use that again!

      You should definitely use WriteDeck!

  2. WHAT JEM SAID. MYWRITECLUB IS MY LIIIFE. XD I always get super motivated on that? One time I wrote like 1.5k in 20 minutes just because I was trying to beat a friend of mine. I'll definitely check out WriteDeck though! I think I've gone on it before but I'm not sure if I've actually tried it out...

    1. Oh wow! That's awesome! Maybe I should go back on myWriteClub...

  3. Thanks for this! I'll have to look into it a bit more. I think I tried it a while back, but it wouldn't let me sign up? I'll have to try again.

    Like everyone else has said, he myWriteClub word wars are fantastic for motivation, too, especially if you have competitive friends.

    1. Hmm...that's weird. You should try again!

      I'll have to get back on there.

  4. I haven't used writedeck because things like that stress me out haha, but I kind of also want to check it out?! Because I get SO competitive with myself it's just hilarious. Half my writing life is trying to beat my own records.😂 So glad it works for you!!

    1. time I won because I wrote literally everything my brain thought of. Yeah...I'll end up scrapping 90% of it. That's why I prefer to do wars against myself.

  5. I've done quite a few word wars, but they were with my brother, and he eventually got tired of getting beat. 😛 It does really help, though. I'll definitely look into this.

    1. That's sweet that you did them with your brother. Does he write too?

    2. Some. Mostly for his own enjoyment.


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