
Where Have I Been? Life Update and Belated 4th Blogiversary

Hello friends!

So...this year I haven't been blogging every Monday. A lot has been going on, but I'll try to summarize it.

1. I graduated high school!

*celebrates* I am FINALLY done with high school! (honestly this is a huge reason why I haven't been posting. High school takes up an enormous amount of time. Also, whoever told me senior year is supposed to be the easiest lied.) I am so excited for college and this next stage of life. (And also kind of terrified, but I'm trying not to think about that until August.)

2. I've been taking time to grow as a Child of God.

Yeah...God still has to do a lot of work on me, but recently I rededicated my life to Him and I'm working hard on my relationship with Him. It's hard, but so far, so worth it.

3. I'm working on growing as a writer.

Last year was a pretty bad writing year. I didn't write very much, and honestly, I wasn't very interested in writing either. I guess I didn't feel the need to write? (This is part of the reason my posts have been few and far between this year.) However, now I love writing even more than I did when I first started a long time ago. My WIP has taught me so many valuable things about writing, and it may have even given me a system. It has taught me to take things slowly in the story and really let stuff organically develop. This is my first cohesive novel that is over 50,000 words and still going strong. (My deadline is Tuesday...so I'm kind of on a mad dash to the finish.)

4. I got back into filmmaking.

Okay, so I kind of fell in love with filmmaking again. A few months ago, my English teacher gave the best assignment in the world: make a movie based on a book or short story. Oh, and make a movie we did. I worked with two amazing partners and friends, and the three of us (including 9 other cast members) recreated 3 scenes from Pride and Prejudice. (Don't worry, everything is word for word from the book.) Did we go a little overboard on this assignment? Definitely. Was it a blast? Yes.

What have you been working on while I've been gone?


  1. First... CONGRATS!!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! <3

    Second, that's super important to grow with God and learn from Him.

    Third, I can't wait to learn more about your novel, I'm sure it's beyond epic!


    You are going to do amazing things in life, girl. <3


    1. Aww thank you so much for such a sweet and encouraging comment!

      Yes, it really is! Definitely the most important thing in life!

      I really hope it's as epic as it feels right now. Of course, I won't feel the same when I go back to edit it...

      Aww thank you!!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

  2. Congratulations on graduating high school! =D I'm headed into my junior year and I'm super nervous. Graduating seems so far away but really is SO CLOSE. *hides under a pile of books*

    It's so awesome that you're growing in your relationship with God and your writing! =) Also, the trailer and movie are great! =D Pride and Prejudice is my favorite Jane Austen book. =)

    1. Thank you so much! Good luck on your junior year! (Pro-tip: start thinking about college now. I didn't do that my junior year, and it made senior year more stressful.) Graduation will be here before you know it!

      Aww thank you!

  3. Congrats on graduating! I find writing is always a work in progress kinda thing. Love the trailer!

  4. Congrats on surviving senior year! And so glad to hear that writing/film-making has made a comeback. I've been going through a similar writing slump, and I'm trying to learn to push through it XP
    Good luck on meeting your deadline!

    1. Haha thank you. :) I'm very glad too!

      Something that really helped me through my writing slump is this article: https://t.co/M0Jx4QzHhm

      Thank you!

  5. I love this update! CONGRATS on graduating!!! But even moreso--congrats on rededicating your life!! What wild adventures He will take you on and I am praying for you as you continue seeking Him and growing in your relationship with Him. He's so worth it!

    Also, YOUR VIDEOS ARE AMAZING!!! I am in awe and can't wait for Mister Ninja to come home so I can show him. :D We love P&P!!

    1. Thank you so much! And thank you for your prayers! Yes, He is worth it!!!

      Aww thank you!!! I hope he enjoys it too!

  6. It's exciting to hear what's going on in your life, Alea; I'm incredibly proud of the person God is turning you into! And I can't wait to read your newest WIP as well as discover how God stretches and grows you as you enter college life, dear friend!! ♥ You're amazing!

    1. Well, He has used you to impact my life in awesome ways. Thank you! You're amazing too!

  7. Congratulations on graduating. freedom at last right? at least for now.


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