
"The Pirate Daughter's Promise" Review

"Orphaned at a young age, Skylar McHenry grew up as little more than a servant and shunned by everyone around her because of her reputation as a pirate's daughter. Each day Skye faces is marked by some new struggle. Her only hope is to rely on her heavenly Father's care and comfort and the solace of her best friend, Will, who has become more than dear to her.

Just when an unexpected encounter gives Skye a small glimmer of hope that things might change in her favor, her world is shattered. She is awakened in the night by cannon blasts. Pirates storm the orphanage, drag her away, and force her aboard their ship. The cruel captain's intentions are clear. He will extract from her, through any means necessary, the location of the treasure hidden by her father. For Skye to divulge the location would mean breaking the last promise she made to him. She's certain she never will, but what happens when the lives of those dearest to her are at stake?

The Pirate Daughter's Promise is full of daring high seas adventure; sweet, wholesome romance; surprising discoveries; unlikely new friends; and the rewards of trusting in God even when life seems impossible."

My Review

This book was very good! Reading this book after the other ones that Ms. Evangeline has written, I can see her writing progress! Don't get me wrong, the writing was very good, but her more recent books (Makilien Trilogy, Resistance) are even better!

The plot is very intriguing! It is about Skye who is shunned by the other people at the orphanage where she lives and works. One day, the city of Kingston, Jamaica (where Skye lives) is attacked by pirates and Skye is taken captive. The pirate captain attempts to extract the location of a hidden treasure from her, something she cannot do because of a promise she made to her father. So, she is presented with a dilemma: keep her loved ones from harm and break her promise to her dead father, or keep her promise and have her loved ones harmed.

There is a bit of romance in this book, but it is entirely wholesome and altogether sweet. There is also no kissing either. :)

I encourage you to read The Pirate Daughter's Promise and all of Molly Evangeline's books! In my opinion, she is the best writer!

About the Author

My PhotoMolly Evangeline is a 25 year old independent author with a passion for writing Christian fantasy and clean New Adult fiction. Armed with an active imagination and love for adventure, Molly weaves stories of truth, faith, and courage with the message that even in the deepest darkness, God's love shines as a light to offer hope. She is a homeschool graduate and has been penning stories since the age of eight.
~Ps. 46:10~

Link To Buy Kindle Version on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Pirate-Daughters-Promise-Pirates-Faith-ebook/dp/B0049U486Y/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1403226637&sr=8-1&keywords=the+pirate+daughter%27s+promise

Link To Buy Paperback Version on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/The-Pirate-Daughters-Promise-Pirates/dp/1450542557/ref=tmm_pap_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1403226637&sr=8-1

Link To Buy A Signed Copy: http://www.mollyevangeline.com/autographed-books.html

Link To Read About Writing The Pirate Daughter's Promise and Book Trailer: http://www.mollyevangeline.com/the-pirate-daughters-promise.html